For enterprises whose strategic planning system involves highly intensive innovative activity at the regional level, we offer a number of preparatory programs that will significantly help master the changes along this path. At the same time, we take into account both the regional specifics and the uniqueness of the project itself, whose team members we train and advise.

Currently, corporate online training is carried out in the following directions:

  • Innovative management at international enterprises;
  • Subsystem functionality of the development and innovation department;
  • Planning of the international innovation portfolio;
  • Innovation policy of an international corporation;
  • The market of mergers and company acquisitions in Asia, Africa and Oceania;
  • Mergers and acquisitions of companies in the international context;
  • Specifics of innovative management in the markets of goods and services;
  • Management of corporate information, knowledge and the corporate training centers in the context of international business development.
  • Change mangamenet at international enterprises

Registration for a free week of trial training is accepted by email. In the subject of the letter, please indicate the chosen direction from the proposed list.

If you are interested in adaptive individual training on another organized topic, please also indicate it in the subject of your request letter.



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