Project Alpa Ost is an international project of complex business and professional services and solutions focused primarily on the integration activation of international partnership, cooperation, exchange of goods and services in alpine countries such as Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Austria, Slovenia, France, Monaco and Italy. Along with afiliated partnership network, we invite entrepreneurs, companies and educational institutions from these countries to close cooperation and further business exchanges with the federal state of Thuringia and Ukraine within the framework of joint projects.

The project is open to partnerships in countries far abroad in global environment.

For the countries of Europe and America, we offer the establishment of close contacts and lines of cooperation with such countries as China (including Hong Kong and Macau), Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Singapore, India, Qatar, the Arab Emirates, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, the countries of South – East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa) as well as New Zealand and Australia. For our partners from the countries of Asia and Oceania, we offer access to new markets in Central Europe for a brand representation program against the background of translation support for delegations, market consulting and intergrational corporate training.

Project Alpa Ost is founded and funded in Germany with the support of the European Social Fund, local government programs and the industrial chamber administration of Thuringia. At the same time, it is a product of close and deep cooperation between Germany and Ukraine and the result of many devoted people’s efforts, so at the same time we are glad to welcome you also in our motherland in Ukraine, promoting contacts and accumulating the world experience acquired by Ukraine and European standards of industrial development.

If you have any questions or suggestions, write to us at the main email address or contact the founder of the project directly through the WhatsApp communication window at the bottom of the page.

We wish success and successful implementation of all ideas on the way to well-being, harmonization of economic relations and regional prosperity in various market segments.



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