17.10.2023 (CEST 16:30) Online Seminar ” Business Communication and Career Development”

We invite everyone who wishes to participate in an open online discussion of a narrow range of problems related to the ambiguous impact of our daily business communication in the organization on our career prospects. Participants will be able to share their experience and analyze their own situation in such important areas as: You can […]

8.10.2023 (CEST 18:00) Panel Discussion: Time Management and Time for Yourself

Bit by bit, the ocean is formed, and life is formed minute by minute. If everything can be done on time, one day can be used for three days.Time is the fairest, no matter who you are, it treats you equally. Cherishing time means cherishing life, and it will give different rewards to everyone’s efforts. Project […]

2.10.2023 (CEST 18:00) Forum on Leadership and Team Building

We invite you to our online forum dedicated to the topic of leadership and the principles of building effective teams in modern business life. We invite you to learn as active listeners and share your experience, or ask questions of interest to you in the following context: You can register for the forum by simply […]

24.03 Anaesthesiology, Reanimatology & Intensive Care Young Doctors Presentations (Latvia)

The International Scientific Conference on Medicine is the largest section of the 81st Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia and will held on 24-25 March 2023. The annual event covered cover a variety of disciplines in clinical and research medicine, pharmacy, nursing and public health. Project Aplpa Ost is grateful for the opportunity to attend the […]

21.03 Integrating Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) and WASH to accelerate progress on the SDGs, London

As part of the UN 2023 Water Conference, Uniting to Combat NTDs is collaborating with the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) of Germany & Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) hosted a side event exploring the links, synergies, and opportunities between WASH and NTDs to accelerate progress & implementation of Sustainable Development […]

19.03.2023 Youth Water Action – Conservation of Coastal Ecosystem in SouthEast Asia (India, Kolkata)

We thank International Forestry Students’ Association joining the efforts of guests from India, Philippines, Peru, Indonesia and Ukraine to share the experience of preserving the coastal lines of oceans in Indo- and Asia Pacific conveying the voices of indegenious peoples and tribes into preservation efforts passed trhough generation to generation. IFSA’s virtual side event at […]

18.03.2023 UN & Brasil MOFA: “The 2018 Brasília Declaration of Judges on Water Justice” (Nairobi, Kenya)

Project Alpa Ost is thankful to for organizers of The “2018 Brasília Declaration of Judges on Water Justice”: The Role of Courts in the Implementation of SDG 6 and Other Water-related Goals and Targets Conference for a driven force of water enlightment discussion around a set of environmental issues. The United Nations and the Ministry of […]

International Women’s Day Ambassador Showcase (Institute of Economy and Peace)

Mar 15, 2023 06:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney Project Alpa Ost EU took part in a conference on International Women’s Day visitting remarkable female Ambassadors for Institute of Economics & Peace and insightful discussions around Women, Peace and Security (WPS) theme. Insiring stories from remarkable female IEP Ambassadors shared the experiences in applying the Positive […]

Google Future Workshop in Mindspace: Communicate successfully in Everyday Work

14.03.2023 , Munich Conversations are a central part of our everyday work. In this workshop we have learnt and shared the opinions what we can pay attention to in order to make conversations in the work context more effective. It was a great opportunity to communicate purposefully in negotiations, meetings and customer appointments. The training included the […]

Conference with Jörg Löhr (Germany) – the Coach, Speaker and Business Trainer among celebrities in Sport

As a part of the preparation of personality development programs at the invitation of Jörg Löhr Academy, Project Alpa Ost EU participated in a seminar “Three decisive factors for the next 365 days” , held live at Augsburg . The event was attended by more than 800 participants from different parts of Germany, Switzerland, Austria, […]



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