Please choose a field of work that interests you to familiarize yourself with the catalog of project services. Send us your inquiry or request describing the relative problem or the need you have or might occur in the very near future.

We will contact you within 48 hours and we can schedule a prompt conference call on your problem for the most optimal adaptive solution. We can also send you a detailed price list for all our services in any of official languages European Union.

*Please click on the service code link capitalized with large letters and numbers before each service article for more detailed information abouth the services you may need, what problems it solves and how it works with us in practice. As for the information you may not find on this page, it is hihgly recommended to send a further inquiry or make a call.

?️ ACT Abonent corporate translation support for business communications of enterprises.

?️ ACI Abonent corporate conference interpretation for regular meetings with Chinese speaking partners

?️ AVI Abonent audiovisual interpretation of media

?️ T01 Translation of legal & financial documentation

?️ T02 Technical & medical documentation translation

?️ T03 Promotion articles & advertising materials translation (including media inforgraphics and subtitles )

?️ T04 Translation of presentations, catalogs & exhibition materials

?️ T05 Website content translation (Simplified & Traditional Chinese, Ukrainian, English)

?️ CCI 01 Conference consecutive interpretation at large events (remote & delegations in EU)

?️ CCI 02 Conference consecutive interpretation for business meetings (remote video, audio)

?️ CSI Conference simultaneous interpretation for international organizations, commercial and trade panel meetings and speeches of key participants.

?️ VSI Simultaneous Interpretation of video sounding

?️ DBT Full interpretation & translation support for trade delegations and business tours in Germany and EU countries.

?️ MTI Medical translation & interpretation and coordination support for patients on international treatment programs based in EU clinics, communicarive preparation of patients for treatment programs.

?️ BRP Promotion of goods and services in Asia-Pacific markets, regional brand development solutions

?️ IMC International marketing research and regional field market consulting

?️ ISM International strategic marketing solutions for brands and trademarks, marketing consulting

?️ ACS Writing multilingual commercial promo articles for websites and specialized global business editions (English / Chinese / Ukrainian languages).

?️ BA 01 Courses in administration of regional marketing and sales for corporate clients.

?️ BA 02 Courses in international HRM

?️ BA 03 Courses in business cultures of Asia, Africa & Oceania (business psychology, mentality, habits & traditions, organisational environment)

?️ LT01 General & applied linguistic training in monolingual, bilingual, and multilingual surrounding (individual and group language learners training).

?️ LT02 Living and Working Abroad – cultural, professional and market orientation in international or highly dense environment using any foreign language. (Methodology coaching & case studies training).

?️ LBC Life balance, business & career growth, regional outlook coaching, serial workshops (individual and group programs)

?️ CLT Chinese Language Training (daily life, business, profession)

?️ VL Visiting Lectures in Oriental Humanities (Sinology, Indology, Iranology, Central Asian Studies)

?️ SM Skillmaster Workshops & Seminars

?️ PDR Personal development and Relaxation Techniques

?️ RM Relationship, family, reproduction & infertility prevention workshops.



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