Building up and raising business today is becoming more and more difficult without effective implementation of solutions based on modern digital and smart technologies. Almost every second enterprise needs innovation and a non-standard approach in optimizing project management in a global environment.

At the same time, today many users of various IT products still do not have basic skills and knowledge regarding the application of technologies in business administration, which partly complicates the process of supporting clients and making constructive decisions at the enterprise.

Our programs help to solve this problem and choose the right path of technological transformations and innovations for your enterprise and projects that you are already engaged in or plan to launch in the future.

We offer the following courses on the basis of your company or individually, collectively and in groups:

  • Management of technological innovation projects
  • Types of IT solutions in modern international business
  • Remote management of the company abroad
  • Building a professional IT department and information security at the enterprise
  • Software solutions for administrative and financial reporting at enterprises
  • Modern solutions of virtual administration of enterprises for various types of markets
  • Basic IT education of a modern head of an enterprise or department: what you need to know

Registration for a free week of trial training is accepted by email. In the subject of the letter, please indicate the chosen direction from the proposed list.

If you are interested in adaptive individual training on another organized topic, please also indicate it in the subject of your request letter.



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