Project Alpa Ost (EU) is the first joint Ukrainian-German project for the development of the markets of Asia, Africa and Oceania on the territory of the alpine countries of the European Union.

Locally, the project started its work in the federal state of Thüringia, the birthplace of its founder. The business card of this project is precisely this amazing area with its economic potential and service capacities, ecologically clean quality products and a positive and hospitable social climate. The symbolic inspiration of the project was the glorious city of Weimar – a cultivator of talents, creativity, new ideas and catalysts of humanitarian development on a global scale. This very city was the cultural capital of Europe in 1999, and to this day it retains this spirit, reflecting the spiritual and valuable human values treasure of Germany in the hearts of its inhabitants.

Along with Germany and together with it, Ukraine has always stepped in the direction of cultivation and integration of European values, at the same time functioning as a historically and economically weighty and significant bridge on the way to strategic partnership with countries such as China, India, countries of the Middle East and Central Asia. Thus formed by a generation of domestic orientalists-practitioners, as a Ukrainian specialist and entrepreneur, I am pleased to share the valuable experience gained in the development of such a partnership in different countries and on different continents, laying the foundations for the latest bilateral cooperation between EU countries and Ukraine with key actors of international relations in the Asia-Pacific Region.

I am pleased to invite you to partnership and joint project efforts for the development of markets and international communications in your fields through the project’s network of services and programs, as well as new partnership opportunities for participants in all its activities.

Let this and the following years become a tandem guarantee and pledge of the integrative convergence of our peoples and economies on the path of mutual understanding and fruitful results of work and active business contacts with other countries.

With thanks and faith in our joint success,
Petro Rybalchenko

Founder of
Project Alpa Ost (EU)



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